Over the past month, my family have stopped using the dishwasher and started washing up again.
Based on our smart meter readings, we estimate this is saving us 50p a day even if we are using more water.
Over the course of a year, this really adds up. Even if we still use the dishwa
Wood processing and recycling equipment lines now carried by North Dakota-based General Equipment.
Fargo, North Dakota-based General Equipment & Supplies, Inc. has agreed to represent both CBI and Terex Ecotec equipment lines in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iow
Additive manufacturing processes able to produce next generation power dense electrical machines will be a key plank in our push for net zero writes Dr Nick Simpson.
Electrical machines are fascinating as they are able to convert electrical
Feed pelleting has changed considerably, due to the demand for higher standards of physical quality, nutritional value and microbiological hygiene, as well as greater flexibility in the incorporation of new and varied raw materials.
Pelleting improves the characteristics feed, as it incr
The Market Square Insights recently uploaded a new report on the global business intelligence Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separators (WHIMS) market, which was published to provide an exclusive hands-on reference to the numerous industry dynamics that would enable high potential growth in the
Adrian Farnham will replace the departing Matthew Chamberlain as interim London Metal Exchange CEO.
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. (HKEX) has announced that Matthew Chamberlain, CEO of the London Metal Exchange (LME) and group head of commodities, will be stepping down April 30. A
Electronics recycling firm deploys high-torque shredder to prepare its plastic scrap for end markets.
Preston, United Kingdom-based 3R Technology UK Ltd. has geared up for growth in 2022, having invested to increase its ability to convert plastic from the waste electrical and electronic
By E&T editorial staff
An electronics recycling plant designed to extract gold from the UK’s electronic waste is to be built in South Wales under new plans announced by the Royal Mint.
The facility will help address a gro
The United States’ first exascale supercomputer, Frontier, won’t be fully operational until 2023—but computational users at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility are now running scientific codes on its architecture via Crusher, a newly unveiled test system with identical hardware a
A local scrap metal merchant said he would welcome new laws requiring his industry to register the details of customers, in a bid to clamp down on thieves and “cowboy” dealers.
Felix Gormley gave assurances that his staff already record details of everyone selling metal, and if anyon