• In fits and starts - Recycling Today

    by admin on 2022-09-03 19:01:21

    Bangladesh has an upward trajectory as a scrap importer, but commodity and supply chain turmoil provide resistance.

    Measured by gross domestic product (GDP), Bangladesh has about the 30th largest national economy in the world, depending on which economic organization is compiling the ran

  • Jewels Recycling Inc. settled in at new Sarnia location

    by admin on 2022-09-03 19:00:37

    Jewels Recycling Inc. in Sarnia, have been buyers and recyclers of non-ferrous metals in the area for over 12 years.

    Chris Fearon, owner, says they have relocated to 1419 Confederation Street, to enable them to accept larger quantities of materials.

    Fearon said truck scales are goi

  • Containership issues affect nonferrous scrap exports - Recycling Today

    by admin on 2022-09-03 19:00:31

    Overseas nonferrous scrap shipments have been delayed as bookings get rolled.

    Domestic demand for red metal scrap remains healthy, and high prices and container shipping issues are making it difficult for export buyers to compete for material, some sources say.

    An insulated copper

  • 15 Sneaky Tricks to Double Your Storage Space - Bob Vila

    by admin on 2022-09-03 18:59:55

    No matter how small the kitchen, chances are it has empty wall just waiting to be transformed into the ultimate organizer. Make the most of vertical space by adding pegboard, which can serve as a catchall for kitchen supplies and requires no DIY experience to install.

    Related: 11 Cheap

  • Recycling Mystery: Dental Appliances - Earth911

    by admin on 2022-09-03 18:59:54

    Braces, expanders, headgear, retainers, and eventually, dentures. Over a lifetime, that’s lots of metal, plastic, and even precious metals and hazardous materials in our mouths. Except for the occasional broken retainer, most of our dental appliances are removed at the clinic. Where do they

  • Vermeer tub grinders are packed with innovation - Construction & Demolition Recycling

    by admin on 2022-09-03 18:59:45

    The Vermeer TG7000 tub grinder packs innovation and power for large land clearing projects and organic/wood waste processing applications.

    The Vermeer TG7000 tub grinder packs innovation and power for large land clearing projects and organic/wood waste processing applications. It proce

  • Demo marks end of steel era in Kentucky city - Recycling Today

    by admin on 2022-09-03 18:59:10

    Demolition progress in Ashland, Kentucky, signals end of former steel mill complex.

    The redevelopment of a decades-old steelmaking complex in Ashland, Kentucky, gained attention this week with the collapse of large furnace structure.

    According to -based WSAZ-TV,) the demolition of

  • New CM Shredders Plant for SPSA | Environmental XPRT

    by admin on 2022-09-03 18:59:06

    CM Shredders has announced the installation of a new state-of-the-art, high-capacity automated tyre shredding system for the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) in Suffolk, Virginia, USA.

    The new system, which can process passenger car, truck and light OTR tyres, features CM&rsq

  • Vertical Ring High Gradient Magnetic Separator Market Competitive Landscape Analysis, Major Regions, Report 2022-2028

    by admin on 2022-08-27 10:59:42

    Vertical Ring High Gradient Magnetic Separator marketing report unearths the common market conditions, trends, preferences, key players, opportunities, geographical analysis and many other parameters that support to drive business into right direction. Exhaustive and comprehensive market stu

  • Two states pass advanced recycling legislation - Recycling Today

    by admin on 2022-08-27 10:59:33

    Missouri and New Hampshire governors sign laws that enable the states to regulate advanced recycling technologies as manufacturing operations.

    Missouri and New Hampshire both passed advanced recycling legislation within the last month. Missouri’s H.B. 2485 and New Hampshire’s S.B. 36